Monday 17 January 2011

.Day Five- Sunday 9th Jan.

Today was are last day in NY and I am very sad that I can not stay in the city longer or in fact stay here forever. We spent today with a larger group of friends on our course and our first stop was at the Grand Central Station Breakfast cafĂ©, expensive but worth the money, I ate waffles and bacon which was delicious and cheered me up a bit! We then headed towards 5th Av again and really went crazy in the 50% off sale in Urban Outfitters, where we all spent the last of our dollars. Finishing the day with a NY McDonalds (larger portions and more money was the only real difference) was a success before heading back to East Gate Hotel and leaving for the airport.

Looking out of the plane window I saw the view of NY at night, all the bright lights and busy buildings and I still got the same sensation of excitement as I did on the first sight of the city 5 days ago. In reflection the trip was one of the most amazing experiences of my life, the city is like nowhere I have ever been before and I am pleased with the amount I managed to achieve in the short space of time that I was staying. If I could, I would do it all again and I can’t wait to revisit the city in the future.

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