Sunday 16 January 2011

.Day Two- Thursday 6th Jan.

Today i took a trip to the top of the Rockafeller Center- 'Top of the Rock', it was the most incredible experience being able to see the whole of the NY skyline, the view was breathetaking. I wouldn't call the view beautiful but it was deffinatly very powerful and fitted the famous words of 'concrete jungle'.
While up on the rock it started to snow and along with the quiteness it became a very peaceful experience.
I was able to view all the famous landmarks, Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building, Times Square anfd 5th Av.

Me at the Top of the Rock!

'Concrete Jungle'

The afternoon consisted of visiting the Fashion Institute of Technology to view a Japaneese fashion exhibition which was particular interesting due to the range of clothing they had availabl to view, it was only a quick visist and we headed off for more shopping. While walking along Fashion Avenue we bumped into America's Next Top Model star Jay Mannuel and got a quick photo! It was actually amazing to see him real life and was are first celebrity encounter of the trip!

We then ventured down under to the NY the price of $2.50 we travelled to 82th street and walked through central park, still covered with a dust of snow, the chilly walk in the beautiful surroundings was awarded with a pretzel outside the Met Museeum.
Feeling like we were on Gossip Girl we took many photos of us enjoying life sitting on the steps of the Met and when it turned dark we decided to travel to a brighter side of NY.

Hailing our first ever yellow cab was a task and a half, and we realised that standing at the curb edge with our arms waving in the air ...just wasnt enough. The end result was us standing in the middle of the road...waving our hands in the air. After a short and exciting journey, i stepped out of the cab into the bright lights of Times Square feeling like a true NewYorker.

The City That Never Sleeps!
The sites were amazing screen after screen of was ridiculous. It was also extremely busy but also filled with energy and gives me butterflies even thinking about it now. Meeting up with other course members we went for dinner at the American dinner Bubba Gump Shrimp which looks out over Times Square, we all tucked into huge burgers and enjoyed discussing our recent NY events!

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